Homer United Methodist Church

Homer UMC
5th St & John St NE
Homer, NE, 68030
Phone: (402) 494-4138
Service time: 8:00 am
Offerings can be mailed or dropped off at the Church Office during regular office hours.
Mailing Address:
Homer UMC
PO Box 254
Homer, NE 68030

Ray Hemelbrecht
Ray Hermelbracht has such a love for Homer UMC. He often shares fond memories of children at VBS and in Sunday School. He strives to leave a legacy for the families of the “here and now” and the future. As the leader of our Church Team, it would make his day to see you and welcome you to our church.

Eldon Vavra
Elden is one of our parish SPPRC members (Staff Pastor Parish Relations Committee). He and his wife, Karon, do so much more for the church than this reveals. They are the first to the church on Sundays to make sure it is tidy; the temp is just right; and God’s house is ready for visitors. They prepare Communion on the first Sunday of each month. They also host Sunday morning fellowship at their home after service.

Karon Vavra
Karon is our Financial Secretary. She and her husband, Eldon, do so much more for the church than this reveals. They are the first to the church on Sundays to make sure it is tidy; the temp is just right; and God’s house is ready for visitors. They prepare Communion on the first Sunday of each month. They also host Sunday morning fellowship at their home after service.

Larry Elllis

Andi Ellis

Elaine Mallette