St. Paul UMC Book Club

St. Paul UMC Book Club was started in 2017 by “B” and Trish. Members met in person on Sundays at 9:00 am in the conference room at St Paul.
In 2020 when COVID hit, book club members decided to continue our weekly meetings via ZOOM. This has worked out well and we meet via ZOOM 3 Tuesday evenings from 7-8:00 pm with a break over the summer. On any given Tuesday we have between 6 and 8 members.
Our book choices have come from many genres (both fiction and non-fiction) including religion, racism, discrimination, poverty, cultural differences, and current “best sellers.” ZOOM Book Club is open to anyone who loves to read and share thoughts from the comforts of home
Starting Tuesday, January 7th, 2025 we will start our new book “THE WOMEN” by Kristan Hannah.
For more information about how to join and use ZOOM, please contact the office at 402.494.4138.
Everyone is welcome!!!